Author's presentations of his two books and reports in international
scientific conferences
Books presentation and a poster report in the International conference on
Future Energy (COFE-2006), 22-24 Sep, Washington, DC, USA (more info)
Two plenary reports and book "Basic Structures of Matter -
Supergravitation Unified Theory" presented in the IX International
Scientific Conference, "Matter, Energy, Gravitation', 7-11 Aug 2006, St.
Petersburg, Russia (more info)
Pictures: The conference booklets with abstracts on English and Russian
Plenary report " Alternative concept about space (physical vacuum)
leading to a different vision about the Universe", XIII Biennial Meeting of
the International Society for the Study of Human Ideas about Ultimate Reality
and Meaning", 3-6 Aug 2005, Toronto, Canada (conference program)
Poster report "Basic Structures of Matter Hypothesis Based on an
Alternative Concept of the Physical Vacuum", Physics for the Third
Millennium Conference, 5-7 Apr 2005, Huntsville, AL, USA (more info)